Covid Response

BANK OF GEORGE RELIEF PLAN (Initiated March 2020)

The Bank granted a total of 215 deferrals representing $150.4 million. At March 31, 2021, total BOG loan deferrals have decreased to 45 loans totaling $27.9 million.

CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program (initiated April 2020)

573 PPP loans approved and funded for $81 million – over 99% SBA forgiveness rate experience to date. At March 31, 2021, total PPP loans of $57 million.

SBA Debt Relief Programs (initiated April 2020)

A total of 241 SBA loans totaling $124.2 million in gross loans participated in the SBA Debt Relief Program under the CARES Act. At March 31, 2021, loans on SBA Debt Relief under this program were 20 loans totaling $11.7 million.

Economic Aid Act SBA Debt Relief program was providing support for 132 loans totaling $63.6 million at March 31, 2021.